6 Steps To Conquer Depression

As someone who has dealt with depression and anxiety for many years, I have gained some insight into dealing with your feelings in a healthy way. It can be so easy to let depression “win” and give in to those feelings of isolation and numbness. Pushing yourself out of that cycle is not only imperative, it is also a challenge that is not easily combated.  I have learned some things along the way that may bring insight to anyone who has struggled with depression.

depression, lifestyle ,self help

It is more than a simple “bad day,” so it requires more effort to overcome.

Here are some simple tips to help get you back on track to conquer the day in your favor.

1 | Practice Gratitude

It isn’t the easiest thing to put into practice, especially during down times, but for me, practicing a guided meditation before bed helps calm the mind and put life into perspective. Meditate on one thing that happened in your life today that you are grateful for.

2 | Spend Some “Me” Time

Quite possibly the hardest thing to do is get out of your scrubs and sweat pants and put some effort into yourself. I don’t think “fake it till you make it” means putting on a total mask of makeup and faking a crazy “Crest white smile,” but instead–slipping on a cute and comfy top, taking a warm shower with a lovely smelling body wash with enlivening essential oils, and putting on a refreshing face mask like my all time favorite, by 100 % Pure and face the day with a new mindset.

3 | Feed Your Body

Chunky monkey may seem like your best friend, but it isn’t doing your body any good to live off the stuff. Make it a priority to fuel your body with the necessary nutrients to function at a basic level. I recommend making a green smoothie in times when you are especially not motivated. It is a quick and easy way to get in those good-for-you ingredients that will help nourish your body and mind. Below is one of my favorite recipes to stuff in those greens!

  1. Spinach – 1/2 cup
  2. Kale – 1/2 cup
  3. Peaches (frozen or jar) – 1/2  cup
  4. Hemp Hearts – 2 tbsp
  5. Sunflower seed or nut butter – 1 tbsp
  6. Plant milk (flaxseed is my favorite) – 1/2 cup

4 | Remember To Breathe

Take a few minutes before you leave the house, your bed, etc., to take some breaths. Inhale and hold it for 4 seconds, then exhale and imagine all the negative, cloudy feelings and emotions exiting your body. Just getting some good ol’ oxygen into your system can help you refresh your focus for the day to come.

depression, self-help, lifestyle

5 | Remember

Know that you are more than your depression. You are a living, breathing gift to the world, and nothing should have the power to stop you from sharing yourself with it–not even your own self.  Remember that who you are is so much more than any feeling in any moment. You do not have to let depression “win,” you have the power to take your own life back, one day at a time.

6 | Accept Help

Always seek help if you need it, from professionals who can give you counseling and medication to friends who will be there for you when you want to withdraw from the world, entirely. Depression can be extremely isolating, so just knowing that you can break that barrier by asking for what you need is a step towards healing.

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Real Talk – What’s wrong with being confident?

To quote singer, Demi Lovato, “So what’s wrong with being confident?”

Why is confidence such a seemingly unobtainable goal in our everyday lives?

It has been conditioned in us, from a very young age as women, to hate ourselves….and if not ourselves, at least our bodies. It may stem from how your mother picked at herself in critical ways, or a classmate teasing you about an insecurity, or even having an unhealthy relationship with comparison of others.

self love, confidence, real talk

We could blame it on the media (which has its fair share of negative influences) and ban all magazines and photo-spreads, shut down our Instagram, and block out the world as being “toxic.” I believe that a better route is to lead by example in changing the way that society views women and pass that along to our children and those we come in contact with. Good things can spread as well as negative. I call for us to stand up in a movement of positivity towards all women, and that journey begins with ourselves.

self love, confidence, real talk

Something that  changed my life forever is writing the words “you are beautiful” as the screen saver on my phone. Every day to unlock my messages, I would have to swipe past those three important words and repeat them to myself (whether I felt that way or not). Just the simple act of setting intention to love yourself every day can make all the difference in the world. You may have to “fake it till you make it,” but eventually you will create new pathways in your brain that have you believing in yourself as a worthy person of beauty.

You are beautiful

I challenge you to tell yourself, one time, every day, how beautiful you are. It may be in a little note to yourself, a glance in the mirror, or a silent chant in your head during spin class. Makeup or no makeup, bad hair day or not, stare your demons right in the face and tell them that you are confident and I believe you will learn to live that confidence.

real talk, self love, confidence

Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but in those who believe in its power.

Take control of your own self-confidence and let your inner beauty shine out!

confidence, real talk, self love


Photography Credit @thealexlasota

Makeup @itshair_uh

Jewelry  @sparkleswithsarah

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